Thursday, July 10, 2014

Aiming for Sunrise

Thursday, July 10, 2014

We have set the alarm for 4:45 IN THE MORNING!  We are going to the ridge again to see the sunrise, just like Lisa told us to.  But a funny thing happened on the way to the ridge.  Marilyn of the eagle eyes spots three elk on Two Dog Flats!  Joe had told us last night that the elk come down out of the trees to graze in the evenings and then go on down to the lake for a drink.  We didn't see them on the way home last night, but here they are in the early morning almost-light!

When I say it's dark, I mean it's dark!

It's really dark at 5:25 A.M.!

Oh!  There are three of them!
 They are a real photo challenge;  but we are darned if we'll give up!  They may not be masterpieces - but we can prove we saw them!

Heading back to the safety of the trees.
Breakfast finished, they meander back up into the woods and we figure we may as well go to Johnson's even if it is probably too late.  What a lucky decision!  There is a fox going that way, too!!

There is a bit of a sunrise and we think it's time to head home and look for the mama black bear and her cub who have been spotted right in our lodge area!  

Sunrise reflected in Lower St. Mary Lake from the Johnson's ridge

and sunrise on St. Mary Lake
We don't spot them and retreat to our cabin to regroup for the day.  Marilyn takes a nap and I organize a bit for our departure tomorrow.  I also try to get ready to go to the "real" internet at St. Mary Lodge by pre-writing my blog and choosing the photos.

After Marilyn is feeling rested we go to St. Mary Lodge and have lemonade and nachos so we don't feel guilty sitting in the lounge to use their internet.  Then we'll head up to Many Glaciers and try again to see the moose at Fisher Cap Lake. Then it's home to pack, sleep and leave early in the morning for Waterton, the Canadian part of the International Peace Park.  If anything exciting happens later today, I'll tell you about it tomorrow!  And I promise to post a shot of me for those of you who have complained!  Dropbox is having a hard time giving them up, so it will have to be another day.

Sweet dreams!


  1. It's such a treat to read your blog & see your photos.

  2. Awww, thanks for all your lovely compliments! I get to read them fairly regularly but usually don't have enough time on line to respond. Please don't think I'm ignoring you!
